Neuroscience is a bit of a hot topic in all sorts of areas at the moment, including Learning and Development.
Part of this is the “neurobollocks” of this science being misused all over the place. To that end, there is a great Twitter account to keep track of some of those bits of science that are wrong @Neurobollocks
Neuroscience in L&D has a varying range of understanding and use and therefore opportunity to improve our practice. Amy Brann wrote this piece about it.
Amy was also on a Training Journal discussion webinar I hosted about neuroscience in L&D, which was a great conversation with lots of take aways, including practical application to how we design our programs.
Science and the brain!
Will Thalheimer is someone who is also very focused on a scientific approach to what we do in L&D. I attended a Google Hangout with Will, hosted by the MOOC platform Curatr, and it was a fascinating time discussing the brain and all sorts of implications. I wrote a fairly detailed blog post about it here.
Neuroscience implications report from The Royal Society
Although this report is from 2011, it has some good overviews on the implications for education and lifelong learning, including plasticity and the inappropriate exploitation of neuroscience.
Neuroscience webinars
I’m hosting some webinars discussing aspects of neuroscience and how that can inform our L&D practice. They are written by Stella Collins, of Stellar Learning, and I’m enjoying supporting Stella with Adobe Connect. It’s also great hosting the sessions as we get to discuss various aspects of research and how to apply it in our every day roles. Read more about the four sessions and their cost here.