This is an assignment for a course I attended and I thought I’d share my key learning points from two articles.
Key points from “Making the most of the virtual classroom”
by Bob Mosher
Here’s a PDF to download if the above link is broken: More Death by Slide Deck (Jul 09)
- Failure is due to implementation, not design of technology
- “The design should be divided into two experiences: the learning done online during the virtual session and the learning done off-line” – this is something that is not unique to online learning, however it is perhaps ginning prevalence because of it
- “Scripted activities can include polls, chats, virtual tours, whiteboarding and even breakout rooms, and they should occur on average every five minutes” – key point in terms of thinking about building interaction
- “Assign extension activities that will allow a learner to take his or her learning to the next level” is important for designing the whole course, not just a ‘webinar’ like session
Key points from “What stinks about webinars?”
by Allison Rossett, Antonia Chan and Colleen Cunningham
- “Webinars have become a low-risk, easy, quick and cheap way to stay current about the state of the field — research, trends and tools.” A quote that sums up my thoughts about webinars when they are good
- “It is wise to make certain the technology and presenter are ready” is a key point for me around logging in early, ensuring my technology works and that I’m ready for questions from participants about their technology and supporting them
- Content should include “vivid examples, stories, enthusiasm and personalization.”
- “feeling all alone during several webinars… blocked from seeing the names of others” I don’t like this as an attendee, though it will be interesting to see my opinion as I start using this technology to deliver more. This might be different for webinars rather than online training with fewer participants
- Lastly, a key point about what webinars could be, which is perhaps where we are aiming for true online blended learning “Imagine if the sessions were just the beginning of conversations and debates. Imagine if they were jumping-off points for projects, with feedback delivered by peers and experts. Imagine if participants volunteered to offer subsequent sessions based on that initial offering. Imagine if they were part of a blended system with blogs, e-coaching and even face-to-face events”