This evening I watched a webinar from InSync Training, titled Lights, Camera, Action! Designing and delivering online training with impact and excitement!

Elements covered in the beginning included about the presenter/facilitator/trainer being the actor on stage.

There was also some content around the structure of a movie story versus a traditional training program and how to make this more interactive. Both these elements are interesting if you are new to delivering learning online and things to think about with regards using your webcam. The presenter had the webcam on for the whole session.

The part that I found most interesting was about culture (at about 28 minutes into the session). I really liked the diagram (screen grab below) that profiled cultures into how they like to interact. The presenter highlights that this is based on research and is correct about 70% of the time. The graphical format about our learners was bright and highlighted how they might like to interact with us in our online environment.


The session went on to look at voice and “scenery” about the visual element of your slides.

It was also pointed out that sessions should be interactive and not just about out slide text.