Panel discussion: How can emerging technology enrich our offerings and add value to our business?

This was the last session of the Virtual Learning Show – a great second day which has flown past. This international session was hosted by Craig Taylor, based in Brighton on the south coast of the UK. Also on the Panel were:

The session opened with host Craig Taylor getting his webcam up and running. We then saw the other panellists joining in. It was great to see real live moving, talking faces in the online session. Most of the PowerPoint slides used today were well designed, informative, graphical, annotated and pacey. But it’s not the same as the variety of the human face.

After introductions Craig highlighted that this session with webcams and a panel from around the world was something a bit different.

The content of the session turned to one of the questions from the Google document that people contributed to prior to the Virtual Learning Show. Do open badges have a place? Bianca Woods suggested to “use badges for portfolio of skill sets”. Ryan Tracey said “open badges are the epitome of visibility… for when you move between organisations to show that the training was meaningful”.

Koreen Olbrish said of open badges that “the differentiator is between the experience and the level of competency”. Bianca added “I’ve got a bit on badges in the second half of this blog post

The conversation moved on to “What are the three learning technologies/approach/mindsets that a modern L&D professional needs to get better at?”

Barbara said “making sense of data. Looking at what marketing does well and bringing some of those techniques forward”. Koreen said “up front analysis” is important, as we “often gets skipped and we jump into design. Also focus on providing opportunities to practice skills, not just acquire knowledge”. Bianca added “basic design skills. You don’t have to be a graphic designer… use it in day to day work. Have a mindset of being curious. Also knowing about the other worlds we work with, not being in the training bubble”.

And Ryan commented to have a “digital literacy mindset, not just a tool. If you have the attitude to give things a go you can get insights to what you can do with those tools”. 

A brilliant panel session. A few audio blips of bandwidth to the system and a few people had to login again. But no major disaster. Loved to hear all the different answers and I look forward to more sessions along these lines.

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